Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mapp v. Ohio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mapp v. Ohio - Research Paper Example In 1957, it was believed by the Cleveland Police Department that Dollree Mapp and her daughter were hiding a wanted suspected bombing fugitive at their home. Upon demanding entrance into her home, Mapp was advised by her attorney to deny them entrance as they did not possess the proper search papers. As time passed, more officers arrived at her home, still demanding entrance. Tired of being denied, they forced a door open and made their way into Mapp’s house. Immediately, Mapp required them to show proof that they had the authority to enter her house at all; in response, the officers procured a warrant, which turned out to be just a piece of paper completely unrelated to a search warrant. Although Mapp was able to grab the â€Å"warrant†, it was pulled from her later, and when confronted in court, the police were unable to show proof that the document had been real. As the officers searched the house for the bombing suspect, they find a trunk in Mapp’s basement that contains a variety of â€Å"lewd and lascivious (Cohen, 2009)† books and photographs. Even though Mapp claimed that the trunk was being held for a friend, police still arrested her, as the possession of these materials were against Ohio law. However, despite what police found, there was never any hint of a fugitive or any wanted person in the house. All the same, Mapp was convicted by the Court of Common Pleas based on the material that had been found in her home. When Mapp tried to appeal to the Ohio Court of Appeals, she was again to be found in the wrong. She took her case to the Supreme Court of Ohio, where her attorney fought that Mapp has no reason to have been brought to trial as the evidence in question was obtained as the result of an illegal search that had been accomplished without the use of a warrant. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled against Mapp, claiming that the items from the trunk had been taken from an inanimate object and not a human being, allowing the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ethics in social research

Ethics in social research Ethics in research has been around since World War II and is still to this day a growing concern among researchers. The main aim of the researcher is to ensure that their studies are directed toward worthwhile goals and that the welfare of their subjects and their research colleagues is protected. Alan Kimmel, 1988 There are several reasons why it is important for an investigator to adhere to ethical standards in research. First, some of these norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, forging, or misrepresenting research data to promote the truth and avoid error. Second, since research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in different disciplines and institutions, many of these ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. For instance, one particular ethical norm, confidentiality, is designed to protect intellectual interests while encouraging collaboration among the participants. Third, ethical norms in research also help to build public support for research. People are more likely to fund research project if they can trust the quality and integrity of research (this particular example is relevant to the scenario being assessed.) Finally, many of the standards of research promote a variety of other important moral and social values, such as social responsibility, human rights, and compliance with the law So although all these codes, policies and principles are very important and useful but like any set of rules they do not cover every situation that arises in research, they are often conflicting and require considerable interpretation. It is therefore important for the researcher to learn how to interpret, assess and apply various research rules and how to make decisions about how to act in various circumstances. The vast majority of decision making in the conduct of research involves the straightforward application of ethical policies. Ethical issues that are encountered in applied social research are both subtle and complex, raising difficult moral dilemmas that, from the outside, appear unresolvable. With these dilemmas the researcher is required to strike a delicate balance between the scientific or social requirement of methodology and the human rights and values potentially threatened by the research. Privacy and confidentiality are two ethical issues that are crucial to social researchers who request individuals to share with them their thoughts attitudes and experiences. The ethical social researcher is one who is aware of ways in which privacy and confidentiality may be jeopardised and safeguarded and is knowledgeable about the effects of privacy and confidentiality on consent. The nature of privacy concerns has changed over time as social scientists have become more involved in identifying social problems and testing possible solutions through field research (Boruch Cecil, 1979) Organisational research focus is directed toward personnel relating issues, including the testing and appraisal of employees for personnel decisions. In conducting these investigations, researchers and consultants may seek to improve on organisations capacities to achieve various goals (e.g. profit for a business, its employees quality of work life or the impact of the organisation on communities in isolate rural areas. Evaluation research is a major type of applied research, typically undertaken by social scientists to determine if ongoing social programs are working as they should. Evaluations tend to focus on programs that are beneficial in nature, such as remedial education, health care and job training programs. The results of an evaluation study, in revealing whether a social program is accomplishing what was intended can have immediate impact on social policy and political decisions regarding the programs fate whether it should be continued or stopped, its budget and personnel increased or cut backs made. There are a number of vested interests in the design and implementation of evaluation studies and because their results are likely to affect peoples jobs, education and health. Like research conducted in organisations, evaluation research raises some unique ethical questions about whose interests are served an whose point of view should be represented during the research process (Kidder Judd, 1986) With this particular scenario there are two different situations where ethical issues will arise. Firstly, you begin to suspect that food is being stolen from the kitchen and the viability of the project may be at risk. From a researchers point of view suspicions would need to be backed up with hard evidence. If you were to say to you manager, you run the risk of them discharging you and not allowing you to carry out anymore research how could you possibly imagine that of any of their staff? Although on the other hand if your manager was to take you suspicions on board and further investigate the matter over a closely surveyed period of time, they may benefit and appreciate your integrity that you hold with the company. In a case like this it is often difficult for the evaluator to separate their research role from their role as a work experience placement student. You have been promised the confidentiality of the staff and if you were to say anything about the stolen food it could affect your research and you rapport with the staff. The staff may turn against you and refuse to cooperate after you telling the boss on one of their colleagues. Throughout the research you must remember what the objective is and if you remain silent with your suspicions, will your results in anyway end up being bias? This will reflect an untrue outcome and the company could face further scrutiny from the funding body. There is also the legality aspect for the researcher to consider and stealing is against the law, could you live with yourself if you thought that you were covering up for a criminal, no matter how small the offence was? In failing to voice your suspicions Kimmel, (1988) stated you legally could face prosecution as an accessory after the fact for failure to report a crime. If I were to be placed in this situation I personally would confront the manager of the company and explain my situation with regards to my research. I believe that stealing is wrong and should not take place no matter how big or small the offence is. Although I can understand why somebody may not say and not only put their research at rick but their social responsibility. The second scenario where the researcher will be confronted by ethical dilemmas is in carrying out the interviews with some of the senior citizens that are receiving these Meals on Wheels. To carry out interviews you will need the consent of the person involved, some elderly clients may not like the prospect of being intimated with questions. The elderly are of the vulnerable sector in our population and should be informed of why the interview is taking place and the effects that their answers could have on the survival and funding of the business while always remembering the objectivity of the research and expressing it in clarity to the senior citizens. The interview will involve asking how they feel about receiving their Meals on Wheels, how they approve of the service and how would they feel if this service was to be taken away from them? This could cause distress and emotional shock among the elderly, especially if they thought that their opinion meant the deciding factor of whe ther the company received funding to continue its business. Many of the elderly could largely depend on this service and there must be no deception in making them fully aware why the interviews are taken place. The senior citizens should be made aware that the researcher will be evaluating and publishing their results to the company and will have to give an open and honest account of what has been said in the interviews. The researcher is under the obligation from the code of ethics so as not to fabricate the data in anyway. The researcher, if a member of the local community, may feel tempted to fabricate the interview responses so as the company will receive their funding to finance this project as they realise how vital this scheme is for the elderly in this isolated rural area but as Kimmel noted personnel values may play a significant role in social research, therefore researchers must be careful enough to protect the integrity of their inquiries through careful data collection and analysis and accurate and objective reporting of their research findings. If I were the researcher in carrying out the interviews I would make the elderly entirely aware of the project and encourage them to see how they are beneficiaries of it. This in return will boost their confidence of the company and help portray a better interview for the research. After all if you were a senior citizen who lived in an isolated area and the only person you may see everyday is the delivery driver of Meals on Wheels, wouldnt you appreciate the service? Not only are they providing a food service but they also help to bring a warm and friendly atmosphere into the home. In conclusion ethical decision making is neither a perfectly rational nor entirely timeless enterprise, and even after a considered judgement about the issues involved in a given situation has been made, doubts about whether or not ones subsequent behaviour was ethical may remain. As we continue to proceed with social research in applied settings, we can expect a growing wealth of documentation on the conditions under which certain interventions are successful in reducing certain social problems and on what side effects might be anticipated as a result of their implementation. To proceed ethically it is important for social researchers to bear in mind that their first obligation is to those persons who cooperate with and participate in the research process, and that it is their interests that first must be considered during the preparatory stages of program development. References Kimmel, A (1988) Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research Sage Publications London

Friday, October 25, 2019

Psychodynamic Theory :: Psychology, Freud

The theory our learning team is studying is the psychodynamic approach or what is sometimes called psychoanalytic approach. The main contributors to Psychodynamic approaches was the founder Sigmund Freud (1859-1939), Anna Freud (1895-1982) gave significant contribution to the psychodynamics of adolescence and Erik Erickson (1902-1994) called the â€Å"new† Freud but with an emphasis on ego (conscious) forces, termed as psychosocial theory (Craig & Dunn, p 11-13). Psychodynamics is the explanation or interpretation (as of behavior or mental states) in terms of mental or emotional forces or processes ( Through case study, the psychodynamic approach was developed by Sigmund Freud. Freud visited Charcot’s, a laboratory in Paris investigating people suffering from hysteria. There, Freud began patient case studies (Crain, p. 254). Freud developed 5 stages of human development known as the Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital stages. The Oral stage is from the ages of birth to 18 months. This stage engages in oral activities such as sucking. Next the Anal stage begins around age 18 months to 3 years of age. Freud suggests that during the Anal stage a child focuses on the pleasure of purging from the rectal area. The Phallic stages, none as the masturbation stage, when a child get’s pleasure from focusing on his genital areas usually happens during ages 3 years to 6 years of age. After the Phallic stage come the Latency stages. Latency is when children at the ages of 6 to 12 years old work to develop cognitive and interpersonal skills suppressing sexual interests but th ose 12 years and older fall into the Genital stages. During the Genital stage those suppressed sexual interests re-occur and the need to find gratification dependent on finding a partner (Craig & Dunn, p 12) In addition to Freud’s stages of development his best-known concepts are those of the id, ego, and superego (Crain, p. 268). The id personality called ‘the unconscious† is the personality that focuses on maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain through reflexes and drives such as hunger or bladder tensions (Crain, pp. 268-269). The id concept is impulsive, chaotic and unrealistic. Although the id stage stands for â€Å"the untamed passions† it is balanced out by â€Å"reason and good sense† called the ego (Crain, p. 270). The ego evaluates situations comparing them to what has happened in the past and make realistic changes planning for the future. This is what is called â€Å"secondary process thinking†. Ego considers the possibilities of the act in question giving the opportunity to make safe and sound choices.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Deception Point Page 73

Corky leaned forward to look at her. â€Å"Please don't tell me your new theory is that NASA took a fossilized rock up in the space shuttle and sent it hurtling toward earth hoping nobody would notice the fireball, the massive crater, or the explosion?† Rachel had not thought of that, although it was an interesting premise. Not feasible, but interesting all the same. Her thoughts were actually closer to home. All natural atmospheric elements. Clean burn. Striations from racing through the air. A faint light had gone off in a distant corner of her mind. â€Å"The ratios of the atmospheric elements you saw,† she said. â€Å"Were they exactly the same ratios you see on every other meteorite with a fusion crust?† Corky seemed to hedge slightly at the question. â€Å"Why do you ask?† Rachel saw him hesitate and felt her pulse quicken. â€Å"The ratios were off, weren't they?† â€Å"There is a scientific explanation.† Rachel's heart was suddenly pounding. â€Å"Did you by any chance see an unusually high content of one element in particular?† Tolland and Corky exchanged startled looks. â€Å"Yes,† Corky said, â€Å"but-â€Å" â€Å"Was it ionized hydrogen?† The astrophysicist's eyes turned to saucers. â€Å"How could you possibly know that!† Tolland also looked utterly amazed. Rachel stared at them both. â€Å"Why didn't anyone mention this to me?† â€Å"Because there's a perfectly sound scientific explanation!† Corky declared. â€Å"I'm all ears,† Rachel said. â€Å"There was surplus ionized hydrogen,† Corky said, â€Å"because the meteorite passed through the atmosphere near the North Pole, where the earth's magnetic field causes an abnormally high concentration of hydrogen ions.† Rachel frowned. â€Å"Unfortunately, I have another explanation.† 87 The fourth floor of NASA headquarters was less impressive than the lobby-long sterile corridors with office doors equally spaced along the walls. The corridor was deserted. Laminated signs pointed in all directions. LANDSAT 7 TERRA ACRIMSAT JASON 1 AQUA PODS Gabrielle followed the signs for PODS. Winding her way down a series of long corridors and intersections, she came to a set of heavy steel doors. The stencil read: Polar Orbiting Density Scanner (PODS) Section Manager, Chris Harper The doors were locked, secured both by key card and a PIN pad access. Gabrielle put her ear to the cold metal door. For a moment, she thought she heard talking. Arguing. Maybe not. She wondered if she should just bang on the door until someone inside let her in. Unfortunately, her plan for dealing with Chris Harper required a bit more subtlety than banging on doors. She looked around for another entrance but saw none. A custodial alcove stood adjacent to the door, and Gabrielle stepped in, searching the dimly lit niche for a janitor's key ring or key card. Nothing. Just brooms and mops. Returning to the door, she put her ear to the metal again. This time she definitely heard voices. Getting louder. And footsteps. The latch engaged from inside. Gabrielle had no time to hide as the metal door burst open. She jumped to the side, plastering herself against the wall behind the door as a group of people hurried through, talking loudly. They sounded angry. â€Å"What the hell is Harper's problem? I thought he'd be on cloud nine!† â€Å"On a night like tonight,† another said as the group passed by, â€Å"he wants to be alone? He should be celebrating!† As the group moved away from Gabrielle, the heavy door started swinging closed on pneumatic hinges, revealing her location. She remained rigid as the men continued down the hall. Waiting as long as she possibly could, until the door was only inches from closing, Gabrielle lunged forward and caught the door handle with just inches to spare. She stood motionless as the men turned the corner down the hall, too engaged in their conversation to look back. Heart pounding, Gabrielle pulled open the door and stepped into the dimly lit area beyond. She quietly closed the door. The space was a wide open work area that reminded her of a college physics laboratory: computers, work islands, electronic gear. As her eyes became accustomed to the darkness, Gabrielle could see blueprints and sheets of calculations scattered around. The entire area was dark except for an office on the far side of the lab, where a light shone under the door. Gabrielle walked over quietly. The door was closed, but through the window she could see a man sitting at a computer. She recognized the man from the NASA press conference. The nameplate on the door read: Chris Harper Section Manager, PODS Having come this far, Gabrielle suddenly felt apprehensive, wondering if she could actually pull this off. She reminded herself how certain Sexton was that Chris Harper had lied. I would bet my campaign on it, Sexton had said. Apparently there were others who felt the same, others who were waiting for Gabrielle to uncover the truth so they could close in on NASA, attempting to gain even a tiny foothold after tonight's devastating developments. After the way Tench and the Herney administration had played Gabrielle this afternoon, she was eager to help. Gabrielle raised her hand to knock on the door but paused, Yolanda's voice running through her mind. If Chris Harper lied to the world about PODS, what makes you think he'll tell YOU the truth? Fear, Gabrielle told herself, having almost fallen victim to it herself today. She had a plan. It involved a tactic she'd seen the senator use on occasion to scare information out of political opponents. Gabrielle had absorbed a lot under Sexton's tutelage, and not all of it attractive or ethical. But tonight she needed every advantage. If she could persuade Chris Harper to admit he had lied-for whatever reason-Gabrielle would open a small door of opportunity for the senator's campaign. Beyond that, Sexton was a man who, if given an inch to maneuver, could wriggle his way out of almost any jam. Gabrielle's plan for dealing with Harper was something Sexton called â€Å"overshooting†-an interrogation technique invented by the early Roman authorities to coax confessions from criminals they suspected were lying. The method was deceptively simple: Assert the information you want confessed. Then allege something far worse. The object was to give the opponent a chance to choose the lesser of two evils-in this case, the truth. The trick was exuding confidence, something Gabrielle was not feeling at the moment. Taking a deep breath, Gabrielle ran through the script in her mind, and then knocked firmly on the office door. â€Å"I told you I'm busy!† Harper called out, his English accent familiar. She knocked again. Louder. â€Å"I told you I'm not interested in coming down!† This time she banged on the door with her fist. Chris Harper came over and yanked open the door. â€Å"Bloody hell, do you-† He stopped short, clearly surprised to see Gabrielle. â€Å"Dr. Harper,† she said, infusing her voice with intensity. â€Å"How did you get up here?† Gabrielle's face was stern. â€Å"Do you know who I am?† â€Å"Of course. Your boss has been slamming my project for months. How did you get in?† â€Å"Senator Sexton sent me.† Harper's eyes scanned the lab behind Gabrielle. â€Å"Where is your staff escort?† â€Å"That's not your concern. The senator has influential connections.† â€Å"In this building?† Harper looked dubious. â€Å"You've been dishonest, Dr. Harper. And I'm afraid the senator has called a special senatorial justice board to look into your lies.† A pall crossed Harper's face. â€Å"What are you talking about?†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Madre de Cacao

Gliricidia Sepium is known as Madre de Cacao or Kakawate. Madre de Cacao is common here in the Philippines. This plant has a great benefits in treatment on the skin and also it is use for antimicrobial. This plant is a natural insect repellant. It is toxic to humans when it mixed with rice or maize ( also known as corn ) which is use as rat killer. The researchers choose this kind of plant is because it has a capability to kill parasitic mites which may help to the animals who are now experiencing skin disease like mange ( skin disease of a dog and cats ).If this disease are continuing to be further this may transfer to humans that may experience skin disease which is called scabies. The group of researchers has a goal to determine if this plant can use as treatment for the dogs that are experiencing mange. B. Statement of the problem : This study generally aims to find out if kakawate leaves can be used as as parasitic mites killer in dogs and cats†¦ More specifically, study ai ms to determine the following †¢How long it will take for the extract to take effect †¢Amount of extract more effectiveC. Significance of the study: Among people dog is usually chosen as their own pet, because of its great skills and caring as an animal. Aside from knowing them as â€Å" Man’s Best friend† they are also used to be the guards in our home. Dogs really need to avoid burglars and lessen the crime. Dogs can’t avoid from having a disease one of this is Mange. It may transfer to humans if this disease will continue to spread.This study aim to help dogs from avoiding skin disease such as mange, with help of Madre de Cacao (Kakawate) it may give a solution. D. Scope and Limitation: The researcher will just focus on the study concerning the extract Madre de cacao as parasitic mites killer. The study only limits the effect of Madre de cacao as parasitic mites killer. This plant has no bad effects in the animals and humans. This plant is toxic whe n it mixed with rice and maize ( also known as corn)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Jabberwocky poem Essays

The Jabberwocky poem Essays The Jabberwocky poem Paper The Jabberwocky poem Paper How Does Through The Looking Glass Compare To The Usual Childrens Stories Acceptable in The Victorian Era And How Lewis Carrolls Childrens Novels May Have Influenced 20th Century Authors. Through The Looking Glass was written by Lewis Carroll in 1872. The story is about a little girl called Alice, a character based on Alice Liddell, one of the daughters of the Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. The book is very different from other stories written at the time; Lewis Carroll takes his heroine, Alice, into a world of fantasy to be found behind her lounge mirror. Alice is made into a very independent little girl, making many of her own decisions and at times being quite rude. This would not have been how a child would have behaved in Victorian Society; they were seen and not heard! Once through the looking glass Alice finds herself in a world where everything is back to front: she has to walk towards the house to walk in the garden and events are felt before they happen: the White Queen puts a bandage on her finger, then screams with pain and then pricks her finger. All the animals and flowers in the book are given human characteristics and can talk. she spoke again, in a timid voice-almost in a whisper. And can all the flowers talk? As well as you can, said the Tiger-Lily. And a great deal louder. She also meets nursery rhyme characters such as Humpty Dumpty who is acting out his nursery rhyme exactly. Alice finds herself in a long and complicated game of chess in which she is a pawn and has to follow certain moves to become a queen and reach the end of the game; once again the chess pieces are given human characteristics. At the end of the book Alice finds that the red queen has turned into her kitten and that she is still sitting in her lounge. The whole episode has been a dream. There are no morals or messages in this book. Aesops fables are a good example of childrens stories with morals. Mainly using animals, like Lewis Carrolls given human characteristics, to act out a story with a moral ending. In The Hare and The Tortoise two animals race each other. The hare knows he is faster than the tortoise and decides to take a rest; he falls asleep and wakes up just in time to see the tortoise win. Meanwhile, the slow old tortoise had been plodding on doggedly. He passed the tree and the sleeping hare. Then he passed the winning post. The moral of this is Slow and steady can win the race. In Aesops tales animals are used to illustrate stories and the roles they play show their true way of life: In The Hare and The Tortoise the hare was fast and the tortoise slow. In Through The Looking Glass the animals take on roles that are not natural to them and are pure fantasy. Similarly in the Beatrix Potter books animals are clothed, able to speak and take on human characters as can be seen by Mrs Tiggywinkle doing the washing. Roald Dahls book The BFG written in1982 is similar to Through The Looking Glass in some ways. The heroine, a little girl called Sophie, is a normal child and has no strange or imaginary powers. Like Alice she is very independent and makes all her own decisions. Unlike Lewis Carrolls book the main characters in the stories i. e. the giants are totally imaginary and use made up words and eat made up foods. Sophie said: What do you drink? Frobscottle, announced the BFG. All giants is drinking frobscottle. They live a totally imaginary existence unlike any human being. Roald Dahl also introduces some real life characters into his book like the Queen and her staff and the Armed Forces. Like Alice, Sophie is given great influence over these people. In Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J. K. Rowling written in 1997 Harry looks like a normal boy and to a certain extent acts like a normal boy but, unlike Alice and Sophie, is given magical powers. Objects are given magical powers like the broomsticks. Harrys broom jumped into his hand at once, but it was one of the few that did. Mystical creatures such as dragons appear, but none of these take on human characteristics. In the nonsense verse, which was so popular at this time, especially that by Edward Lear, creatures are totally imaginary and bear no resemblance to living creatures. In The Dong With The Luminous Nose the Dong is an imaginary creature living in a totally imaginary place and all the names are made up. Landing at Eve near the Zemmery Fidd Where the oblong oysters grow. This is similar to Through The Looking Glass where Alice enters an imaginary world and also to a certain extent in Harry Potter where Harry goes through the wall at the railway station to find platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express and many of the other place settings are made up. The barrier was coming nearer and nearer-he wouldnt be able to stop-the trolley was out of control-he was a foot away-he closed his eyes ready for the crash- It didnt come.. he kept on running.. he opened his eyes. A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform crowded with people. In The BFG real places are mixed with imaginary as you have the caves where the giants live but then the main parts of the story take place in London at Buckingham Palace. Lewis Carroll uses nonsense poems in his story such as The Walrus And The Carpenter where the walrus and the carpenter take all the little oysters for a walk and end up eating them! But answer came there none- And this was scarcely odd, because Theyd eaten every one! The oysters are again given human characteristics by mentioning their shoes and making them able to talk and walk on two feet. Poems do not play a big part in either The BFG or Harry Potter. The language in Through The Looking Glass is very correct. The grammar is as you would expect a Victorian book to be written. The text is quite clear and easy to follow. Lewis Carroll does use many puns throughout the book. It sounds like a horse, Alice thought to herself. And an extremely small voice, close to her ear, said, you might make a joke on that- something about horse and hoarse you know. The same can be said of Aesops Fables that are written very clearly and for a younger child, using simple words. Some of the language used by Lewis Carroll is very adult and long words are used that a child may not know the meaning of. In Aesops Fables a child could easily read and understand the text. J. K. Rowling also writes in a way that a child can understand, once again the book is very grammatical and clearly written. In some instances she uses made up words to name items, objects and animals that are imaginary and made up purely for the story. This balls called the Quaffle, said Wood. The chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try to get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. Roald Dahl writes so a child can easily understand what the story is about. In The BFG there are a lot of made up words used by the giants and the BFG, himself, talks very ungrammatically. Is you quite snugly there in your nightie? he asked. You isnt fridgy cold? In Through The Looking Glass all of the speech by the characters is grammatical and correct. However, in the Nonsense verse included in the book Lewis Carroll makes up words, especially in the Jabberwocky poem. Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Students Are the Best Audience for Who to Write a Book at College

Students Are the Best Audience for Who to Write a Book at College Students Are the Best Audience for Who to Write a Book at College If you are a student and have decided to become a writer, you must consider each step carefully. Becoming a famous writer does not happen overnight. You may not know who to write a book for. As you are a college student, it makes sense to write for the student audience. If you are interested in writing novels, it is a good idea to start with something a bit easier, like tutorials for your fellow mates. This way, you can listen to feedback, find and develop your own style in writing. Here are five topics to write about in order to engage the student audience. 1. How to Become an Expert in Academic Writing All college students have to write papers on one subject or another. Some students find writing papers extremely difficult and stressful, so writing on academic issues is a great idea at college. Walk your fellow students through the different aspects of writing: brainstorming a topic, creating the first draft, then proofreading and editing. Include tips on styling, organization, vocabulary usage, perhaps even grammar and punctuation. Your readers are sure to appreciate the comprehensive guide on academic writing. 2. Problems of Student Life and How to Cope with Them Student life is complicated, so a book about how to cope with college successfully could be a real winner within the student audience. Think about problems you have experienced as a student and how you have solved them. Also you can give practical advice about college, supplying with entertaining stories of your own experience. You can write about typical college student problems, like living on a student budget, adjusting to life in college, dealing with a roommate and living in dorms, eating at the dining halls, etc. 3. How to Become an A Student Balancing grades, living in society and adjusting to a new place is pretty challenging, isn’t it? Thus, you could write a book concerning these issues. Such a guide surely will be helpful for a plenty of students. A comprehensive guide on choosing classes and professors, studying for college exams will be a real hit within college students. 4. Establishing Relations in College All humans want to be in love and to build relationships, and college students are not an exception. Dating in college can be complicated experience, so many students will be engaged to read a guide on how to make connections with the opposite sex. Fill your book with funny stories about your own dating experience, or ask your close friends to share their experience with you and include their best stories. 5. A Practical Guide for College We have already discussed that the tips on how to deal with typical college problems will be the best idea for the book. Nevertheless, what about the guide for student everyday life, especially for newbies? First year students could use practical advice on how to register for classes, how to choose the best ones, how to ensure they are on track for their degrees, how to join a fraternity or sorority, maybe even how to do laundry! You could even gift such a guide for your college or university so people will know about you really fast and your fame will come faster! If you are interested in becoming a novelist, here are a few topics you can write about to sharpen your writing skills, practice your own style, and find the target audience.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Boots Preferred by Woodsmen

Boots Preferred by Woodsmen In a discussion ending with  a vote  with loggers, foresters and forest owners, I offer  you these recommendations for purchasing forestry, logging, or hiking boots. I also want to post this information along  with links to purchase boots from these recommended companies at competitive prices and online. Although many boot companies sell only through retail distributors and catalogs, you can purchase most of the boots right from this feature. The professional promoters of these boots have had years of experience in the woods and, to my knowledge, have no particular connection to any of the boot companies. I asked for their opinion and have listed the top boots in order of popularity according to a poll that has been on my site for years. With that out of the way, lets look at some of  the forestrys favorite boots. The Top Boots For Forest Work and Recreation Voted #1 - Danner Boots.  The Danner  Shoe  Company continues to manufacture a complete line of hiking, fishing, hunting, uniform, and work boots in their 30,000 square foot factory in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. The Danner  wholesales to specialty retail stores and mail-order companies throughout the country and has one company-owned factory retail outlet. I prefer  Danner Boots...they sell insulated, non-insulated, etc. and they are a top quality boot. - STEVE SWANSON 1976 Voted #2 - Whites Boots (buy womens only from Amazon).  Whites Boots Company has been manufacturing Whites, Buffalo, and Hathorn Boots for over a century. Foresters, firefighters, linemen, loggers, and active hunter  and hikers who simply enjoy the outdoors have been Whites customer base. Whites specialty is in hand-crafting boots for customers requiring a custom fit to their exact specifications, utilizing a tri-dimensional fitting process to ensure proper measure. I only wear  Whites Boots  and use Obenaughes oil. Spendy but nice........ - RECYCLE1 Voted #3 - Herman Survivor Boots.  Herman Survivors boots sales and customer service are available only from Wal-Mart and are considered a budget boot (which probably had a lot to do with its high vote). I have owned several Herman survivors but only had a good experience with the Buffalo steel-toe boot and the engineer style. Voted #4 - Red Wing Boot.  From a tiny corner shop started in 1905 in Red Wing Minnesota, the Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc. has grown into a respected manufacturer of working boots and shoes as is confirmed by talking to loggers and foresters. Four facilities and hundreds of craftspeople making thousands of pairs by hand each day keep up with supplying a good boot at a fair price. Red Wings  and  Herman Survivors  are good and they are a little cheaper than Whites... Wearem every day, even to meetings and when Ill be in the office all day. - PHORESTER Voted #5 - Chippewa Boot Chippewa Boots, Inc. started with only logger boots in 1901 and are pioneers in manufacturing woods grade boots. They claim to use only the best materials, the best construction techniques, and the most innovative technology to build a boot. The result as is attested to by a loyal group of hikers and foresters are the best boots around. Here are companies that did not make the poles favorite ranking. Still, I believe they are good companies with a quality product and provide exceptional boot value per dollar spent. Honorable Mention #1 - Rocky Boots Headquartered in Nelsonville, Ohio, Rocky Shoes and Boots, Inc. provide quality outdoor and occupational footwear since 1932. Nearly 30,000 retail and catalog outlets carry ROCKY ® footwear. Honorable Mention #2 - Georgia Boots For over 60 years Georgia Boot has been a leader in the work footwear market. Based in Nelsonville, Ohio, the company manufactures and markets quality work and outdoor footwear. Georgia Boots safety footwear meets the highest safety standards set by OSHA. Honorable Mention #3 - Wolverine Boots Established in 1883 in Rockford, Michigan, Wolverine made original boots that helped build the railroads, erect skyscrapers, and expand highways across North America. Wolverine is a great boot company but just not caught on with forestry and logging types. Honorable Mention #4 - Timberland Boots Timberland is a global supplier of boots. Timberland services retail stores throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, South Africa, and the Middle East. The Timberland PRO line of boots is specially designed gear for working professional craftspeople.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Information Systems Able To Support and Improve Transportation Systems Essay

Information Systems Able To Support and Improve Transportation Systems Before, During and After the Olympic Games in London This Summer - Essay Example The situation gets tricky whenever huge numbers of people are expected to move around the city at the same time. The summer Olympics presents one of the many transport challenges that London faces every so often. The fact that London started coming up a city long before cars were invented implies that its streets are suited for foot rather than the millions of cars that are likely to fill its streets during the Olympics. In fact, it has been predicted that the summer Olympics will see the largest ever crowd to fill the streets of London. Because of the expected visitors, the government and private organisations have embraced for hitherto unseen transport conditions and problems such as congestion. For London to deliver a great Olympics, the city and the country must be kept moving, prompting the government to urge businesses and the public to consider their travel options ahead of and during the games. Fortunately, advances in information technologies and information systems such as cloud technology will ensure that unnecessary movements are not only restricted during the games but also controlled by encouraging people such as journalists to use other technologies to capture events rather than be present at the venues (Emmelmann et al., 2010). That is, in addition to keeping commuters in their homes, journalists’ likelihood to stay at one area for long will be high as information systems will ensure they capture through live-streams, most of the events from one location while they remain at the venue of the events that interest them most. This paper explores the support that information systems will give to the transport system before, during and after the London Olympic games. Intelligent Transport Technologies A range of information technologies could prove useful in the management of the transport system during the London Olympics. From simple and basic information systems such as traffic control systems, car navigation, message signs, speed cameras a nd automatic number plate recognition to more complex technologies such as CCTV systems and other IT applications, which monitor data and feedbacks, information systems will be quite useful to the transport system during the Olympics in London. Among the more sophisticated information technologies that monitor data and feedbacks include parking guidance systems, bridge deicing systems and weather information and technologies that enable comparison with historical data (Chowdhury & Sadek, 2003). Computational technologies such as floating car data or floating cellular data are relatively cheap data collection techniques that the Transport for London (TfL) could use to support transport systems during the Olympics. The data collected by these technologies relate to travel time and speeds of vehicles on streets, highways, freeways, and other transportation routes (IanVisits, 2012). There are three major methods by which information technologies may be used to gather transport data. The se techniques include the triangulation, the vehicle re-identification and the GPS-based methods. In modern times, most car users travel with their phones in their cars. Information on the presence of these phones is always transmitted to mobile networks whenever there are no voice connections. That is, as a vehicle moves, the signals on the mobile phones therein also move. Through the analysis of these mobile phone signals using triangulation, the obtained data could be used determine and control traffic flow (Chowdhury & Sadek, 2003). The triangulation method is thus quite an effective approach to supporting the transport system in London during the Olympics. The second technique, the vehicle re-i

Friday, October 18, 2019

Islamic finance PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islamic finance - PowerPoint Presentation Example Instead Islam asks for an equitable distribution of wealth so that all members of society can prosper together. Concentration of wealth in a few hands is not desirable. Islam strikes a balance between conventional socialism and capitalism. One allows only for private ownership, while the other negates it outright. It is the Islamic way that has sought a path between the two extremes for the betterment of man. Unlike conventional systems, Islam recognizes only 3 factors of production which include capital, land and labor. The returns generated from the combination of these three are distributed accordingly. Capital gains return in the form of profits, land in the form of rent and labor in the form of wages. Islamic Contracts Islamic contracts govern the business conventions on how trade transactions must be entered into. First of all, the trade must be permissible in the light of Shariah. It cannot contain any element of Riba’, Gharar, Mysur, Haram etc. Secondly, there are many conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a contract to be rendered valid. They include: A condition which is not against the contract is a valid condition A condition which seems to be against the contract, but is normal market practice, is no void unless proved in the light of Shariah. A condition which seems to be against the contract and not market practice but favors any one participant is void. A condition which is against the contract, not market practice, and doesn’t favor anyone is a void condition. Sales in Islamic Finance The concept of sales in Islam is the exchange of a thing of value with another thing of value. However, it is very strict on the core principles of sales. In the contract, there must be offer and acceptance for the contract to be executed. Furthermore, the individuals must be sane and of proper age to enter into agreements such as this one. The commodity/asset under consideration must exist. It must also have some intrinsic value to as to c ater to the sale. Furthermore, it should be capable of showing ownership. For example, no one can point to the moon and claim that they own it. It exists, and must have some value. But since it cannot be owned, it cannot be transacted. Furthermore, the asset must be deliverable to the buyer, the quantity and quality must be aforementioned. The price of the trade must be addressed at the start so as to avoid any misunderstandings between the parties. Lastly, either physical or constructive possession of the asset must be taken in order to render the sale complete. Modes of Islamic Finance The modes of Islamic Finance, while seemingly like their conventional counterparts, are free from all the Haram (unlawful) ways which have been prohibited in Islam. Following are the types of Islamic Financing: 1. Musharakah In a Musharakah agreement, two parties come together to form an alliance for commercial enterprise and share the profits according to a set ratio. This is decided at the time of entering into the alliance. However, if a loss occurs then the parties distribute that according to the rate of participation of initial investment from each individual. There are two explicit types of Musharakah. In the first type, the partnership arises out of a joint ownership of an asset. For example, two brothers inherit their father’s sugarcane factory. Hence they become partners through the joint ownership which exists. The second kind is via contracts. In this case, the two individuals enter into an

Quantitative Research Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quantitative Research - Article Example In essence, while the research could have reported the challenges facing existing structures, gaps, and failures as basis for the training program produced, it simply dwells on the aspects it considered important. This in essence results in some form of biased study with a predetermined direction. From the onset, it is evident that the study is limited to what the researchers prefer as important rather than on previous research support or any gaps previously identified. The literature review tries to address a number of issues in relation how counselors, ESL teachers and ESL learners interact amongst themselves. The literature reviewed in the paper puts emphasis in three distinct areas. â€Å"These are the significance of and need for multicultural competency in school counseling; the significance of serving ESL students in school counseling; and the significance of and need for collaboration in school counseling.† (p. 3) As much as these are an important part of literature re view and also highlight the importance of bridging the gap between the three groups, it falls short of identifying the areas of the existing structures and hence justifies need for the proposed experiential system. However, this gap is bridged by the section which addresses the rationale for the experiential training project. This however still fails to emphasize the selection of the research questions. As matter of fact, there is a visible detachment between the research questions and the literature. The study by Burnham, Mantero, & Hooper (2009) lists six variables which efforts to answer the research questions are directed towards. These include the following: 1. Pre-training education and assignment to an ESL class; 2. collaboration, coordination, consultation, and teaming with ESL teachers, which involved guidance curriculum planning, development, and implementation based on ESL student needs in the classroom; 3. Teaching classroom guidance lessons; 4. critiquing guidance lesso ns (i.e., self and peer critiques); 5. ongoing synthesis during class discussions; and 6. Post-training education (Burnham, Mantero, & Hooper, 2009). Nonetheless, it is important to mention that the variables are simply mentioned with no clear definitions. The authors also fail to create a clear illustration of what each of the variables constitute in the article. For as much as the variables are closely obvious, it would have been much more appropriate if the scope of each variable was well defined for the reader. Further, the variables enlarge the overall scope of the research making it almost impossible to cover each area of the research within a single paper. Focusing on a single area would have resulted into a more comprehensive research. The results section is perhaps the most useful and comprehensive part of the research. Using the pre-defined set of questions, the research offers a comprehensive analysis of the areas deemed as completely important in the study. The research adopted group interviews as the prime research methodology. The interview approach opens the study to a wide range of data. Issues not previously covered in the research questions also emerged as questionnaire sought to collect as much information as possible from the respondents. Additionally, as the researchers’

Compare and contrast analysis essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare and contrast analysis - Essay Example Other research studies on the subject revealed diverse perspectives noting the popularity that hip hop has gained from the time it originated and spanning a global audience. In this regard, using the two discourse: Chang’s It’s a Hip Hop World and Kiwana’s Erasing Blackness, the current essay hereby aims to present a comparative analysis of these literary works through a closer examination of the following elements, to wit: point of view, character, theme and experiences. There are similarities in terms of presenting both literary works from the third person point of view. Both Chang and Kiwana used the formal essay structure by using narrative and descriptive format and style with examples noted from actual life experiences. The disparities lie in presentation of the literary work, as Chang’s presentation could be deemed more effective in enticing pathos or emotional appeal through the use of carefully selected photographs the break the monotony of a long line of discourse (â€Å"Asian art: Graffiti is one of the original elements of American-style hip-hop that Chinas urban youth have made their own† (Chang 60); â€Å"Cant stop: A South Korean b-boy tears up Seoul with his acrobatic moves† (Chang 61); â€Å"Revisiting roots: Senegalese hip-hop artists tackle themes of poverty and oppression† (Chang 62)). Kiwana relied solely on narrative and descriptive prose with only very minimal sub-headings that assist the readers in defining a well-crafted enumeration on the arguments supposedly supporting white kids as hip-hop’s primary audience. Thereby, it could be deduced that Kiwana used logos as the rhetorical appeal through persuading the readers using logical reasoning. The theme is obviously unified as both focused on the subject of hip-hop. The contrast lies in thrust or focus of discussion. As brief noted, Kiwana’s discussion on the chapter aimed at

Thursday, October 17, 2019

People Like Us Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

People Like Us - Essay Example In the same go, we decided to fight the evils of gender stereotypes, hatred towards homosexuals, racial prejudice, etc. The universities have been sincere in implementing the measures to encourage multiculturalism in their colleges and campuses. But there are certain concerns: Whether American universities are really encouraging diversity or doing nothing except issuing policy statements? However, Indiana State University, also known as ISU, has been very sincere in implementing diversity not only with the help of policy statements and plans, but also by actually putting them to implementation and practice. The university has adopted a strategic approach with an aim to encourage admission of students from various communities and nationalities. Thesis Statement The Indiana State University (ISU) has not constrained the concept of diversity within theoretical boundaries. Rather, it actually practices diversity through strategic implementation. ISU’s Stance on Diversity ISU is no t one of those institutions that believe in tall talking about diversity but avoid implementing it in practical sense. This is not only due to the sincere attitude of the ISU authorities, but also due to the practicability of its policies and practices, which extensively correlate diversity and holistic education. According to the ISU website, diversity can be comprehended as the range of human differences that include ethnicity, gender identity, racial identity, expression, socio-economic status, age, national origin, physical abilities and disabilities, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, etc. A careful introspection of diversity can â€Å"both spotlight the uniqueness of our identities and create opportunities for interaction, dialogue and analysis that build community.† (Indiana State University) This sort of clear perception of the very concept of diversity gives ISU an advantage of better theoretical understanding, which is subsequently reflected in its socio-educati onal and cultural activities. ISU has set up the ISU Office of Diversity, which works in juxtaposition with the President's Council on Diversity and promotes the policies, programs, and practices, which model impartiality and show the way to excellence of multicultural environment and education. Hence, the students get an opportunity to know about different cultures, practices, perceptions, and nationalities, which help them to mature and work better in the age of globalization. Diversity is thus not merely an ethical consideration. At ISU, it is a part of education. Hence the University invites â€Å"everyone in the ISU community and on the ISU campus to explore and embrace learning about diversity as a goal† (Indiana State University). A prime strategy of the university is to focus on the Diversity Crisis Model. Educational expert Damon A. Williams has remarked, â€Å"Too many diversity-planning efforts follow a reactive pattern that emerges when the campus is disrupted by a diversity crisis. Nationally publicized examples of such crises include controversial remarks by the president of Harvard University in 2003 regarding the ability of female faculty to perform in the sciences and the Duke University lacrosse team incident in 2006.† These sorts of incidents, in conjunction with the increasing occurrences of ethnically themed university, campus, and/or college parties,

RESEARCH Methods - Spain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

RESEARCH Methods - Spain - Essay Example The supply channels acts on the basis that the crude oil serves as basic input required for production; consequently, increase in the prices will trigger increase in production costs thereby causing companies to have decreased output. The impact can also be viewed from demand-side whereby it affects both investment and consumption. The longer the shock is viewed to last, the stronger the magnitude of its impact on the nations. Apart from the effect on supply and demand, oil price shock also impact foreign exchange and inflation. This is experienced on the in terms of indirect effect on real economic activity. Considering the above case, this paper makes use of both empirics and theory to determine the impact of the oil-price shock on an open-economy, while considering that the price can be perceived via multiple channels. The paper makes use of three cases for the study, United States, United Kingdom and Spain. The three matches the key features of the expected data most suitably. Spain is considered for this case because it is a net importing country hence can help determining the resultant effect of oil price shock. From this, the resultant model is used to explore the significance of oil price changes on GDP, Inflation and Trend Growth. However, our findings significantly differ from the already established literature. Most importantly, the research finding indicates that observed increase in oil prices affects the macro-economy through the supply side. This is in contrast to Hamiltons’ study of 1988, which pinpointed the demand side (Hamilton & Muns, 1988, 67). In which case, our study purports that increase in oil prices affect similarly on the negative given that higher oil prices will result to decrease in output of a firm on the basis of value-added evident in capital or labor. Additionally, the study indicates that higher

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

People Like Us Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

People Like Us - Essay Example In the same go, we decided to fight the evils of gender stereotypes, hatred towards homosexuals, racial prejudice, etc. The universities have been sincere in implementing the measures to encourage multiculturalism in their colleges and campuses. But there are certain concerns: Whether American universities are really encouraging diversity or doing nothing except issuing policy statements? However, Indiana State University, also known as ISU, has been very sincere in implementing diversity not only with the help of policy statements and plans, but also by actually putting them to implementation and practice. The university has adopted a strategic approach with an aim to encourage admission of students from various communities and nationalities. Thesis Statement The Indiana State University (ISU) has not constrained the concept of diversity within theoretical boundaries. Rather, it actually practices diversity through strategic implementation. ISU’s Stance on Diversity ISU is no t one of those institutions that believe in tall talking about diversity but avoid implementing it in practical sense. This is not only due to the sincere attitude of the ISU authorities, but also due to the practicability of its policies and practices, which extensively correlate diversity and holistic education. According to the ISU website, diversity can be comprehended as the range of human differences that include ethnicity, gender identity, racial identity, expression, socio-economic status, age, national origin, physical abilities and disabilities, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, etc. A careful introspection of diversity can â€Å"both spotlight the uniqueness of our identities and create opportunities for interaction, dialogue and analysis that build community.† (Indiana State University) This sort of clear perception of the very concept of diversity gives ISU an advantage of better theoretical understanding, which is subsequently reflected in its socio-educati onal and cultural activities. ISU has set up the ISU Office of Diversity, which works in juxtaposition with the President's Council on Diversity and promotes the policies, programs, and practices, which model impartiality and show the way to excellence of multicultural environment and education. Hence, the students get an opportunity to know about different cultures, practices, perceptions, and nationalities, which help them to mature and work better in the age of globalization. Diversity is thus not merely an ethical consideration. At ISU, it is a part of education. Hence the University invites â€Å"everyone in the ISU community and on the ISU campus to explore and embrace learning about diversity as a goal† (Indiana State University). A prime strategy of the university is to focus on the Diversity Crisis Model. Educational expert Damon A. Williams has remarked, â€Å"Too many diversity-planning efforts follow a reactive pattern that emerges when the campus is disrupted by a diversity crisis. Nationally publicized examples of such crises include controversial remarks by the president of Harvard University in 2003 regarding the ability of female faculty to perform in the sciences and the Duke University lacrosse team incident in 2006.† These sorts of incidents, in conjunction with the increasing occurrences of ethnically themed university, campus, and/or college parties,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

E-Commerces Effect on B2B Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

E-Commerces Effect on B2B Relations - Essay Example Organizations typically participate in more than one exchange in order to derive network advantages from complementary goods and services. Participating in an existing web-enabled B2B exchange allows organizations to reduce their own online start-up costs and to benefit from lower customer acquisition costs. (Kabir, 2004). "Today, supply chain management is far more important than manufacturing as a core competence; so much so that it's possible, as Nike and Cisco Systems have amply demonstrated, to dominate the market for a product without owning so much as a single factory" (Taylor, 2003). Online business-to-business (or B2B) exchanges are widely used in commercial and industrial sectors be it automotive or retailing. The Wall Street Journal (2003) reported that US businesses spent $482 billion in B2B transactions, up 242% from 2001. It was predicted that by 2006 $5.4 trillion in goods and services would be transacted B2B. Bandyopadhyay et all (2006, 512). B2B exchanges lower the cost to buyers through the automated nature of the procurement process. Further transaction cost falls occur with the use of reverse auctions. Value is added because of the interoperability of the application platform amongst users. Users are able to plan in concert. Ordanini et al (2004) investigated the factors which determined success for B2B electronic market places or exchanges in Italy.They looked at the content, structure and governance of a variety of business models, using a cluster analysis of the three dimensions. They found that in a period of 3 years (2000-2003) B2B e-commerce operators had fallen from 120 to 40, with less than 50% of the survivors operating above break-even. Research shows that similar patterns have occurred in the US and Europe. Ordanini et al found that private, large exchanges were generally more successful, due to their "superior capability to generate turnover compared to vertical niche operators" (Ordanini et al, 2004, p281). Electronic marketplaces were supposed to be a panacea to all the ills of electronic data interchange with its proprietary systems and 1:1 networking. An internet based platform promised disintermediation and new sources of competitive advantage, since the Internet was based on generic public standards and considerably cheaper to make use of. Figure 2: Alternative Business Models: Output of the Cluster Analysis. Source-Ordanini et al (20

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Ecological Impact Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay

The Ecological Impact Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay The goal of coal mining is to economically remove coal from the ground. Coal is valued for its energy content, and since the 1880s is widely used to generate electricity. Steel and cement industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of iron from iron ore and for cement production. Coal is the most important fossil fuel around the world and vital for its energy security. In the process of development, coal mining is one of the major industries, which is contributing accidentally towards the pollution of the environment. The power sector is the bigger consumer followed by industrial sector (steel and cement manufacturing units). It also assures the energy supply which is important for any countries development. Coal is still remains essential in producing a diverse and balanced energy mix. It is a major fuel generating electricity worldwide. Coal is poised with different toxics which effect the environment and one of the key challenges coal industries is facing today. Coal is less effective and energy efficient compared to other fossil fuels and pollutes more as well. The main concerns is to focus at the regional level to do with the environmental impacts on air, water, land, forest, climate and the costs of mitigating these. Even with these concerns coal will remain a future mainstay. The coal mining industry finds it difficult to meet current needs as a bridge to meet future goal through the enhancement of knowledge and technology. The challenge is to apply the right technology in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way [1]. . Environmental Issues Most of the mining operations carried out underground and opencast mines like drilling, blasting, extraction transportation and crushing. These operations damage the environment and ecology to an unacceptable extent. Sometimes rapid and unchecked activities results in air, water and noise pollution, land degradation, health hazards, loss of forest wealth and agriculture land, drying of wells, rehabilitation problems lending to large scale environmental deterioration [2]. Environmental issues should observe and controlled by appropriate planning and study. A balance is required between mining and environment. In addition, due to excessive mining, chances of accidents increase which lead to misery and tragedy [2]. Impact of Mining on Air Quality Air pollution happened in mines due to the runaway emissions of particulate matter and gases including methane, sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide. Mining operations produce a lot of dust. The drilling, loading, transporting, blasting, hauling, and crushing mainly produce dust in major operations. They dust sources in mines can be categorized as primary sources that generate the dust and secondary sources, which disperse the dust and carry it from place to place called as fugitive dust [2]. Opencast mining has severe impact on air pollution as compared to underground mining. In underground mining men suffer from dust inside underground mine workings. But opencast mining create much more air quality deterioration in respect of dust and gaseous pollutants. It creates air pollution problem not only within the mining premises but also in surrounding residential area affecting abundant air quality. High levels of suspended particulate matter increase respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma cases while gaseous emissions contribute towards global warming besides causing health hazards to the exposed population [2]. The dust which is uncontrollable creates serious health hazards and also affects the productivity creating poor visibility, increased maintenance cost, breakdown of equipment and ultimately deteriorates the ambient air quality in and around the mining site. The dust can also pollute nearby surface waters and stunt crop growth by shading and clogging the pores of the plants [2]. Besides polluting the environment, the generation of dust means the loss of fines, which act as road surface binders. The vehicular traffic on haul roads has been identified as the most important cause of fugitive dust emissions [2]. The increase in the earths surface temperature due to the presence of certain gases in the atmosphere called greenhouse effect [3]. These gases are building up by human activities by extracting various minerals from the earth. The combustion of coal produces CO2 like other fossil fuels, this gas affect the greenhouse effect which is linked to global warming. The coal combustion produces gaseous emissions of nitrous oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) that produces ground level ozone and acid rain. SO2 and NOx gases react in the atmosphere with oxygen, water and other chemicals to form acidic compounds. Ground level ozone (O3) is mainly responsible for smog that forms a brown haze over cities. Ground level ozone is formed when NOx gases react with other chemicals in the atmosphere and is enhanced by strong sunlight [3]. Emissions of SO2 and NOx are termed trans-boundary air pollution because the environmental impacts from the production of these gases are not restricted by geographical boundaries [2]. Impact of Mining on Water regime Mining activities not only use a lot of water but it also affect the hydrological regime in the region and can affect the water quality. Disturbance to hydrologic regime The deep and large opencast mines have greater impact on the hydrologic regime in the region. With deforestation over the mine leasehold and changes brought about in the watershed characteristics, water flow in many streams in mining regions, is known to have dwindled and some perennial streams have turned into seasonal streams and others have receded [2]. The most important impact in large and deep opencast mine is on the ground water regime of the region. The water seeping into the mine and collected in the mine sump is partly used up in the mine and the excess amount is discharged into the surface drainage system [1]. The water used up in the mine for spraying on haul roads, conveyors, at loading and unloading points, bunkers etc. are lost by evaporation. A deep mine is likely to have longer haul roads requiring more spraying water. The water used for green belts and plantation areas are also lost by evapo-transpiration [2]. A part of the water discharged into the surface drainage system seeps into the ground and partially replenishes the loss of ground water caused by mine seepage but the proportion is generally very low. Many countries face the problem of over exploitation of ground water resources results in alarming lowering of water table [2]. The major focus is taken to estimating the water need and the mines for future to apply constraints on water use and discharge. The opportunity to re-use the water for drinking or agriculture purposes from surface and underground mines. Women in particular should be protected from potentially diminished water supplies. Mining companies should be a partner with the community in integrated water management. If mining diminishes the local water supply, then that water needs to be replaced [2]. To reduce the impact on the surface water bodies and surface drainage system, the surface layout for the underground and opencast should be planned and well managed. Underground and opencast mines should be planned with provisions for the development of underground and surface water bodies so that in the post mining period water in sufficient quantity is available for various uses [2]. In both the opencast and underground mines water is pumped out of the mines. This water should be planned for treatment so that the requirement for domestic and industrial uses can be met. Acid Mine Drainage Acidic water damages the water severely and produces water pollution problems. Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) refers to distinctive types of waste bodies that originate from the weathering and leaching of sulphide minerals present in coal and associated strata [2]. Environmental effects of AMD include contamination of drinking water and disrupted growth and reproduction of aquatic plants and animals. Effects of AMD related to water pollution include the killing of fish and loss of aquatic life and corrosion of mining equipments and structures such as barges, bridges and concrete materials [1]. AMD is the most persistent pollution problems in mines of North Eastern Coalfield. Generally, water quality characteristics of acidic mine water reflect high acidity and high hardness along with high iron and sulphate contents [2]. Various toxic trace/ heavy metals become soluble in acidic water and may be presenting significant to concentration levels depending upon their availability in the source material [1]. Fortunately the considerable majority of coal mining areas are safe and only in a few localized areas problem of AMD exists. AMD cripples the economy of mines due to compliance of stringent environmental standards and involves huge cost burden in its management [2]. Augmentation of pumped out mine water from coal/Lignite mines The mining industry has to discharge millions of litres of water every day to the adjacent watercourses and thereby may cause water pollution in and around the mining areas [2]. This water, otherwise a valuable water resource because of acceptable quality, becomes contaminated with various domestic and industrial trade effluents and subsequently is just wasted while putting on an extra cost burden on the underground mines [2]. Further costs are incurred on abstraction of water from adjoining surface water bodies containing this water and additional costs are required for the treatment to meet the water quality objective criteria [2]. It is emphasized here to augments and protects this precious ground water availability of nearly acceptable quality to meet various water demands particularly drinking water of already affected mining population [2]. Augmentation of pumped out mine water from coal/Lignite mines for various water supplies particularly for potable purpose should be the pri me goal of the concerned mining authority in the already drought prone thickly populated mining areas [2]. Heavy Metal Pollution The heavy metals are important component of pollutants which not only cause phytotoxicity but also enter into food chain causing hazardous impacts on human health and animals. Human biology is full of instances where heavy metals toxicity has led to mass death [2]. Heavy metal pollution is quite prevalent in acidic mine water situations. Mining and Milling operations, together with grinding, concentrating ores and disposal of tailings, provide obvious sources of contamination in the surface environment, along with mine and mill waste water. As a result, elevated levels of heavy metals can be found in and around metalliferous mines due to discharge and dispersion of mine wastes into nearby agricultural soils, food crops and stream systems [2]. Eventually, they may pose a potential health risk to residents in the vicinity of mining areas. The extent and degree of heavy metal contamination around the mines vary depending upon geochemical characteristics and mineralization of tailings. Water Pollution from seepage, waste dumps and mine benches Major water pollution problem occurs due to erosion of mine benches, overburden and reject dumps and failing dams [2]. The soil particles are carried away during the heavy rains due to deforestation and baring of ground. The blasted material in overburden and mine benches contain fine particles, which are also carried away by the rainwater [1]. Many chemicals also enter the water streams in dissolved state. These sediment-carrying effluents are responsible for siltation of agricultural fields and chocking of streams and rivers on the downstream. Surface and ground water pollution, is a common feature of mining and associated processing activities [2]. Runoff from dumps and exposed mine surface carries fine sediments in suspension, which is deposited on downstream valleys and agricultural fields. Impact of Coal Mine Fire Most of the coal mines are affected by fires which leads the steady destruction of energy resource. The reason for mine fires presumably involves the phenomenon of spontaneous heating through two interrelated processes viz., the oxygen coal interaction or oxidative process and the thermal process [2]. If the fire remains uncontrolled, it can spread further through the pathways and crack in the strata. Mine fires give hike to several environmental problems besides economic losses and safety hazards. Apart from direct losses due to burning of coal, the other associated hazards encountered are [2]: Gas poisoning Difficult geo-mining conditions Sterilization of coal Hindrance to production Explosions Damage structure and adjacent properties The adverse impacts of mine fires are observed on all the four basic components of the environment viz. Air, water, land and population. Mine fires pollute the atmosphere to a greater extent and have a bad impact on air. The effects are severe on air once the fire becomes surface fires. The pollutants released from mine fires mainly comprise of gases like carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphides (H2S) and other photosensitive oxidants apart from particulate matter [2]. Un-burnt hydrocarbons in presence of NOx and other oxidants produce eye irritation. Impact of Mining on Land The type of mining operation used for extracting coal, mining constantly results in enormous land disturbance- e.g. large scale excavation, creation of derelict land, removal of top soil, dumping of solid wastes, cutting of roads, etc [1]. The mining industry is not eager to re-handle the overburden material for economic reasons but you can see in few cases they planned to re-handle the material to fill the empty space created at the end of mining, and probably this practice will become more common and spread in future. Opencast mining has bigger impact on land compared to underground mining. With new and improved technology, opencast coal mining is used commonly because it is cost effectiveness and productivity in large-scale land disturbance. Underground mining has considerably less impact than opencast mining on land [2]. The surface settling impose several damages to engineering structures such as bridges, highways, buildings and drainage besides interfering with ground water regime. Impact of Mining on ecology The mining results the significant area of land devalued and existing ecosystem are replaced by unwanted wastes. The extraction process of mineral drastically alters the biological and physical nature of the mining area. Commonly practiced strip-mining to recover coal reserves, causes extensive soil damage, destroys vegetation and destroy and alter microbial community. In the process of removing desired mineral material, the original vegetation is inevitably destroyed and soil is lost or buried by waste [2]. We are usually confronted with a complete absence of soil, in either a pedagogical or a biological sense, and what is left is just a skeleton full of limiting factors. Strip-mining can cause compaction, changes in soil texture, loss of soil structure and reduced water infiltration. In addition, steep-sided soil piles are prone to erosion [1]. The landscapes that emerge are devoid of supportive and nutritive capacity for biomass development. Several microbial processes such as nitrogen and carbon cycling, humidification and soil aggregation are practically non-functional posing scientific challenges in the restoration of rhizosphere productivity and fertility [2]. The devalued land does not posses suitable surface soil to provide bedding layer for anchorage of plant and to support the biomass. Also the plant growth is not supported due to presence of toxic materials gradual increase in such landscapes due to intensive mining activity endangers not only the agro forestry productivity but also the aquatic eco-systems [2]. Impact of Noise and Vibrations from Mining The mining activities produce enormous noise and vibration which establish a disturbance in the source. The blasting of hundred of tones of explosive is identified as prostrate noise in the mining area. In pit crushing system with mobile crusher and large capacity materials handling plants are being installed to facilitate speedy handling of large quantities [2]. All these activities are major sources of noise vibrations in and around the mining complexes. The major implication of noise is the potential hearing loss of human ear. The noise also produces other health effects, influence to work performance and makes communications more difficult. The wildlife in the forests and other areas surrounding are also affected by noise. The wildlife is more sensitive to noise and vibration as compared to human beings. Select all potentially noisy construction equipment and then consider the sound power level of the equipment and comply with the need to limit the noise in the mining area. If the operations have the potential to beak the specified noise limits or barrier then effective measures needs to be taken to ensure the sound power level is within the limits either by using different equipments which has less noise and while constructing the plant noise attenuation materials should be used to reduce the effective noise.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dissolution Versus Debauchery in Sonnet 96 Essay -- Sonnet essays

Dissolution Versus Debauchery in Sonnet 96      Ã‚  Ã‚   The sonnets of William Shakespeare chronicle the conflicts of love and lust between the blond young man and the dark-haired lady. In Sonnet 96, Shakespeare acts as an apologist on behalf of the blond young man as he concludes his discourse on the young man's character." Here the poet presents a picture of the young man as a misguided youth caught up in youthful indiscretion, rather than a rapacious beast prowling for prey. Shakespeare illustrates the inherent differences between dissolution and debauchery as he declares that upon first glance all is not as it appears; therefore, the young man's character must be examined in greater detail. Endeavoring to engender empathy for the blond young man, the poet elucidates the young man's strengths while emending his weaknesses. However, it is the rising meter of iambic pentameter throughout the entire sonnet that sets a steady rhythm suggesting all is well there is no cause for alarm.    The initial quatrain of Sonnet 96 opens the debate on dissolution and debauchery, implying youthful indiscretion is the young man's only serious flaw. The first two lines of the sonnet begin in the same way, with parallel sentence structure and alliteration "Some say," which is deceptive, as the remainder of both lines one and two are contradictory. In line 1, the poet chides the young man, telling him some people see his bad behavior as a result of youth and immaturity, though there are others who believe his bad behavior is indicative of his inherent moral corruption." However, in line 2, the poet dismisses the concerns found in line 1 by characterizing the young man's youthful dalliances as a special privilege of one ... ... greatness!"    The couplet, which should allow the poet to resolve any doubts regarding the young man's character, instead brings up more questions." The (b) rhyme of the first quatrain is found in the couplet with the words "sort" (13) and "report" (14)." Why would the poet return to the quatrain of contradiction when he is so close to restoring the young man's good name?" This exact couplet is found in "Sonnet 37," leaving one to wonder if this couplet belongs here at all." Does the poet truly believe his own supposition that the young man is only a dissolute youth, or does he question the true moral character of the friend he loves?"    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 96." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. 7th ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1: 1031-32.          Dissolution Versus Debauchery in Sonnet 96 Essay -- Sonnet essays Dissolution Versus Debauchery in Sonnet 96      Ã‚  Ã‚   The sonnets of William Shakespeare chronicle the conflicts of love and lust between the blond young man and the dark-haired lady. In Sonnet 96, Shakespeare acts as an apologist on behalf of the blond young man as he concludes his discourse on the young man's character." Here the poet presents a picture of the young man as a misguided youth caught up in youthful indiscretion, rather than a rapacious beast prowling for prey. Shakespeare illustrates the inherent differences between dissolution and debauchery as he declares that upon first glance all is not as it appears; therefore, the young man's character must be examined in greater detail. Endeavoring to engender empathy for the blond young man, the poet elucidates the young man's strengths while emending his weaknesses. However, it is the rising meter of iambic pentameter throughout the entire sonnet that sets a steady rhythm suggesting all is well there is no cause for alarm.    The initial quatrain of Sonnet 96 opens the debate on dissolution and debauchery, implying youthful indiscretion is the young man's only serious flaw. The first two lines of the sonnet begin in the same way, with parallel sentence structure and alliteration "Some say," which is deceptive, as the remainder of both lines one and two are contradictory. In line 1, the poet chides the young man, telling him some people see his bad behavior as a result of youth and immaturity, though there are others who believe his bad behavior is indicative of his inherent moral corruption." However, in line 2, the poet dismisses the concerns found in line 1 by characterizing the young man's youthful dalliances as a special privilege of one ... ... greatness!"    The couplet, which should allow the poet to resolve any doubts regarding the young man's character, instead brings up more questions." The (b) rhyme of the first quatrain is found in the couplet with the words "sort" (13) and "report" (14)." Why would the poet return to the quatrain of contradiction when he is so close to restoring the young man's good name?" This exact couplet is found in "Sonnet 37," leaving one to wonder if this couplet belongs here at all." Does the poet truly believe his own supposition that the young man is only a dissolute youth, or does he question the true moral character of the friend he loves?"    Works Cited Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 96." The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Eds. M. H. Abrams and Stephen Greenblatt. 7th ed. 2 vols. New York: Norton, 2000. 1: 1031-32.         

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Impact of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Sports Essay -- Steroids

The Impact of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Sports One of the major issues in the news recently has been the use of performance enhancing substances in sports. This topic has been the subject of many front-page headlines in many publications, from sports magazines to newspapers. A recent scandal involving a San Francisco Bay Area laboratory, BALCO Laboratories, has brought this issue to the forefront, and it's really gotten a lot of attention because this case has led to a 42 count federal indictment by the U.S. Attorney General.[1] Another question can be asked as well: Should these performance-enhancing substances be allowed in sports? First of all, what exactly are performance-enhancing substances? They are just what they are called: substances that are used for enhancing performance. The use of these substances is of particular concern to agencies that govern sports, especially amateur sports. Some examples of performance enhancers that are used are anabolic steroids, stimulants, diuretics, and other alternatives. Steroids are chemicals that are typically produced by the human body as a way to regulate various bodily functions. Anabolic versions are used to increase muscle mass and endurance.[2] Unfortunately, steroid and drug use in sports is nothing new. Until 2003, the most famous case of steroid use probably occurred at the 1988 Olympic Games. Some of you may remember the 100-meter race between U.S. athlete Carl Lewis and Canadian athlete Ben Johnson. After the race had been run, with Johnson emerging as the winner, a drug test was taken by Johnson and it came out positive for steroids, meaning that he would have to forfeit his gold medal.[3] Another famous, and more recent, example occurred in 1... ...Chemist, 2003, ESPN 29 Feb 2004, [11] Ashley 22. [12] ?U.S.: Drug Ring Aided Top Jocks,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A1 [13] ?Drugs Involved In BALCO Case,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A23. Both drugs named here are covered by this endnote. [14] ?Drugs Involved In BALCO Case,? San Francisco Chronicle 13 Feb 2004:A23. [15] United States Anti-Doping Agency. Guide to Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods of Doping. 2004. [16] Rachels, John. ?The Elements of Moral Philosophy.? p. 92 [17] Rachels 108. [18] Kowalski 13. [19] Rachels 202. [20] Rachels 121. Also see Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant, 1875. [21] Rachels 173-4. [22] Rachels 174. [23] Schnirring 16. [24] Schnirring 16.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Balagtasan Essay

The Dynamic Crust, Earthquakes and the Earth’s Interior Why is the Earth’s crust described as being dynamic? Crust- solid rock outer zone of Earth The crust is part of the lithosphere. The Earth’s crust is dynamic which means constantly changing. Earthquakes Volcanoes Crustal movements along fault zones Other evidence indicates that parts of the Earth’s crust have been moving to different locations for billions of years. Describe pieces of evidence that suggest minor changes in the Earth’s crust. Displaced & Deformed Rock Strata Sedimentary rocks appear to form in horizontal layers. However, observations of the Earth’s surface indicate that the original formations of rock have changed through past movements. Tilting Earth movement resulting in a change in the position of rock layers, â€Å"rocks at an angle† Folded Strata Bend in the rock layers produced during the mountain building process Faulting Movement of rock along a crack (fault) in the crust Displaced Fossils Displaced means â€Å"moved.† Marine fossils- remains or imprints of once living ocean organisms such as coral, fish, etc. found in sedimentary rock Marine fossils found in layers of sedimentary rock in mountains, often thousands of feet above sea level. These marine fossils found at high elevation suggest past uplift of rock strata. Sinking or settling of rock strata Rock layers that have been moved. Horizontal Displacement (Faulting) Earth shifts sideways along a transform fault in the crust Vertical Displacement (Faulting) Portion of Earth’s surface is either uplifted or subsides along a fault or crack. Benchmark Permanent cement or brass marker in ground indicating a measured elevation. Isostasy Condition of balance or equilibrium in Earth’s crust. Since the upper mantle acts like a very dense fluid, the crustal plates float on top of it. Any change in one part of the crust is offset by a corresponding change in another part of the crust. Example of Isostasy If a piece of crust loses some of its material due to erosion, it becomes lighter and floats higher in the mantle. When the eroded material gets deposited, the crust is weighted down causing that area to sink lower into the mantle. Another isostatic example. The deposition of 2 miles thick ice on NY during a glacial ice age caused the area to subside slightly. This forced other areas to rise higher in response to the settling under the ice. Later after the ice receded or melted, the region responded with gradual uplift causing minor seismic activity or earthquakes. Give examples of crustal activity and explain where the zones of crustal activity are located. Areas of Crustal Activity Crustal activities such as earthquakes and volcanoes occur for the most part in specific zones or regions of the Earth. These regions are usually along the borders of continents and oceans. These zones mark boundaries or edges of large pieces of the Earth’s crust called crustal boundaries. ESRT p.5 What is an earthquake? Explain the difference between an epicenter and a focus of an earthquake. Describe properties of the 3 types of earthquake waves and tell the difference between a seismograph and a seismogram. I. Earthquakes Sudden trembling or shaking of ground usually caused by movement along a break or a fault releasing built up stress When an earthquake occurs, seismic waves are created and move out in all directions from the focus or point of origin. The earthquake’s focus or point of origin is usually deep below the Earth’s surface. The point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus is called the epicenter. Describe properties of the 3 types of earthquake waves and tell the difference between a seismograph and a seismogram. II. Earthquake Waves Seismograph: Instrument that detects and records seismic waves. Earthquakes generate several kinds of seismic waves that can be detected by a seismograph. 3 types of seismic waves are p, s, & l waves. L waves Long waves Do not pass through the Earth. Ripple along the surface of the Earth Create the damage associated with earthquakes P waves Primary waves Also called compressional because they cause the material through which they pass to vibrate back and forth (compress) in the same direction as the wave is traveling. Called primary because they move quickly through the Earth with a greater velocity than secondary waves and therefore are the first waves to reach a distant location. S waves Secondary waves Also called shear waves because they cause the material through which they pass to vibrate at right angles (up & down) to the direction in which the wave is traveling III. Velocities of Waves When traveling in the same material, primary waves travel at a greater velocity than secondary waves. So a seismograph will read the primary waves before the secondary waves arrive. A single seismogram showing the arrival times of p & s waves may be used to determine the distance to the earthquake and its time of origin. The greater the difference in arrival times of the primary and secondary waves, the greater the distance to the earthquake epicenter. Finding the Distance to an Earthquake’s Epicenter To find out how far an epicenter was away from a location, a seismograph reading or seismogram is necessary that shows the arrival of both p and s waves. Determining the Exact Location of an Earthquake’s Epicenter Epicenter location is found by the comparison of differences in travel time of p & s seismic waves. Knowing the separation time between arrival of both p & s waves gives the distance to the point on the Earth’s surface directly above the earthquake called the epicenter. Since only the distance to epicenter and not direction is known, a circle is drawn with the radius equal to the distance. The epicenter is on the circle. To find the actual location of the epicenter you must find the distance from 3 different seismograph stations. Why not 2? Draw 3 circles around the 3 seismograph stations and where they intersect is the earthquake’s epicenter. The earthquake occurred at a point somewhere below the epicenter and that internal point is called the focus. Scientists wanting to improve accuracy of finding the true epicenter will find the distance from more than 3 seismograph stations. Compare and contrast the 2 scales for determining the strength of an earthquake. a) The Modified Mercalli Scale Based upon the damage inflicted by an earthquake. This intensity scale ranges from I to XII with I being felt by few people to XII resulting in total devastation. Modified Mercalli Scale Continued Although this scale is still used, it is not very precise. Why? Damage inflicted by earthquakes depends on many factors besides the strength of the earthquake such as location, type of land, building design & structure, etc. b) The Richter Scale A Magnitude scale used to describe the amount of energy released by an earthquake. Richter scale magnitudes range from 0 to 9. Each number step up the scale indicates a release of 32 times more energy than the previous step. Earthquakes that are less than 2.5 are not usually felt by people. Approximately 20 major earthquakes in the magnitude 7.0-7.9 occur every year and each 5-10 years an earthquake of 8.0 or more will devastate a portion of Earth. Give examples of dangers to humans from volcanic and earthquake activity. Dangers to Humans from Earthquakes and Volcanoes Tell at least 4 of these hazards. Fires (Ruptured gas or power lines) Collapsing buildings/Falling Debris Broken bridges and roads Tsunamis (Seismic Sea Waves) Lava flows melt and burn Volcanic ash & poisonous gases make it difficult to breathe Large submarine (under water) earthquakes or those that occur along a coastline may result in tsunamis or seismic sea waves. Describe differences between p and s wave transmission through the Earth and how it creates a shadow zone. VII. Transmission of Earthquake Waves The velocity of an earthquake wave varies according to density of the material through which it is traveling. The greater the density of the material, the greater the velocity. As seismic waves travel through materials of different densities, the velocity of the seismic waves will change. This change in velocity of the wave causes the wave to be bent or refracted. Since the density of the Earth gradually increases with depth, seismic waves tend to increase in their velocity and continually refract (bend) as they travel down into the Earth. Difference in P and S Wave Transmission Compressional or p waves are transmitted through all phases of matter; solid, liquid or gas. However, shear or s waves are only transmitted through solids. This difference provides valuable information for scientists about the composition and interior structure of the Earth. S waves that penetrate the Earth to the depth of the outer core disappear. Since these waves are not transmitted by the outer core, the material of the outer core is assumed to be liquid. Earthquakes generate p & s waves that move out from the earthquake through the Earth in all directions. Seismographs that are located within 102 degrees from the epicenter record both p & s waves. Those seismograph stations that are farther away than 102o do not record any s waves because they are not transmitted through the core. A band that runs approximately 102o to 143o away from the epicenter records neither p nor s waves. Describe a model of the Earth’s crust and interior. Describe characteristics of both the crust and interior. Crust & Interior Properties There are 4 major Earth zones, three solid ones and one liquid. The 3 solid zones are the crust, mantle and inner core. The only liquid zone is the outer core. See ESRT p.10 Crustal Thickness The crust of the Earth compared to other zones is relatively thin, only a few kilometers in average depth. The average thickness of the continental crust is greater than the average thickness of the oceanic crust. Crustal Composition The continental crust is composed mainly of felsic igneous rock like granite that is low in density. The oceanic crust is composed mainly of mafic igneous rock like basalt that is high in density. Interior Structure Crust sits on top of mantle. Mantle accounts for the greatest part of the volume of the Earth. The crust-mantle boundary is called the Mohorovicic Discontinuity or the Moho. Below the mantle is the liquid outer core and the solid inner core. Interior Composition Evidence from the behavior of seismic waves and metallic meteorites suggests that the inner portion of the Earth is a high density combination of the metallic elements iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni). Characteristics of Earth’s Interior The density, temperature and pressure of the Earth’s interior increases with depth. (ESRT p.10). The density ranges from 2.7g/cm3 for the continental crust and 3.0g/cm3 for the oceanic crust to 12.7 g/cm3-13.0g/cm3 for the inner core. Compare theories of continental drift and plate tectonics. Give evidence that support the idea that continents have moved. I. Plate Tectonics Theory Theory that Earth’s lithosphere is made of a number of solid plates that move in relation to each other. ESRT p.5 Continental Drift Theory that continents are now, as well as in the past, shifting positions. Wegener noted that the present continents appear to fit together as fragments of an originally larger landmass, much the same way the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fit together. This is especially true if the edges of the continental shelves are used as the boundaries. However, over the years new evidence has been collected that indicates that approximately 200 million years ago, the major continents were connected and since that time the continents have been moving generally apart. The following diagrams show the Inferred Positions of the Continents over the last 458 million years. Label the Geologic Period for each diagram. Diagrams found in ESRT on page 9. Evidence to Support Idea that Continents Have Moved Many rock layers and fossils can be correlated across ocean basins. Rock types along with mineral composition and the fossils found in those rocks match up. A good example of this are rocks and fossils found on the east coast of South America match those found along the west coastline of Africa. Diamonds found in eastern Brazil are very similar to those found in western Africa. More Evidence for Continental Movement Some mountain chains appear to be continuous from continent to continent. Example: Appalachians and Caledonian More Evidence for Continental Movement Rock and fossil evidence indicates ancient climates much different from those of today. Examples: glacial deposits in tropical regions or coal deposits in Arctic More Evidence for Continental Movement Rocks of the ocean basins are much younger than continental rocks. The most conclusive evidence comes from the ocean basins. Explain evidence for sea floor spreading from both igneous ocean rocks and the reversal of magnetic polarity. Evidence to Suggest Sea Floor Spreading There is much evidence to indicate that the ocean floors are spreading out from the mid-ocean ridges. The two major pieces of evidence are related to the age of igneous ocean materials and the reversal of magnetic polarity. a) Igneous Ocean Rocks The ocean crust is made up mainly of basalt that is formed when magma (molten rock) rises, cools, solidifies and crystallizes into igneous rocks of the mid-ocean ridges. Evidence shows that igneous rocks along the center of the mid-ocean ridge is younger (more recently formed) than the igneous rock found farther from the mid-ocean ridge. The age of igneous rock has been accurately determined using radioactive dating techniques. This suggests that as new ocean crust is generated at mid-ocean ridges, the ocean floor widens. Reversal of Magnetic Polarity The strips of basaltic rock that lie parallel to the mid-ocean ridge show matched patterns of magnetic reversals. Check out this animation! Over thousands of years, the magnetic poles of Earth reverse their polarities. The magnetic north pole changes to the magnetic south pole and vice versa. When the basaltic magma flows up in the middle of the ridge and begins to cool, crystals of magnetic minerals align themselves with the Earth’s magnetic field. This alignment of minerals in the rock leaves a recording of magnetic polarity for the Earth at the time of rock formation. When the Earth’s magnetic field is reversed, the new igneous rocks formed during the reversed polarity period have their minerals aligned in an opposite direction from the previously formed rocks. These changes in magnetic orientation are found in rock on both sides of the mid-ocean ridge, indicating that the development of the ocean floor is form the center of the mid-ocean ridges outward. Describe the 3 types of plate motion. Identify plate boundaries. Lithospheric Plates and Plate Boundaries Three kinds of plate motion are associated with plate boundaries; convergent, divergent and transform. a) Convergent Plate Boundaries Convergent Plate Boundaries- plates collide with each other Ocean Plate Meets Continental Plate If an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the denser ocean plate made of basalt dives down (subducts) into the mantle forming a subduction zone with an ocean trench formed at the surface. At the subduction zone, old crust is consumed by the mantle to create more molten material. The overriding continental plate made of granite forms mountains. An example is the Andes of South America. Ocean Plate Meets Ocean Plate If two oceanic plates converge, the older, denser plate will subduct also forming a trench on the surface along with a chain of islands called an island arc. An example of this convergent subduction zone is the Northern and Western boundaries of the Pacific Ocean. Continental Plate Meets Continental Plate If a continental plate collides with another continental plate, the edge of both plates are crumpled up forming folded mountains. An example of this type of convergent boundary is the Himalayas of India. b) Divergent Plate Boundaries Divergent Plate Boundaries- plates move apart A divergent boundary allows heat and magma to flow up from below forming parallel ridges made of new crustal material. An example of a divergent plate boundary like this is any mid-ocean ridge. c) Transform Plate Boundary Transform Plate Boundary- plates grind slowly past each other At this type of boundary, crust is neither formed nor consumed. An example is San Andreas Fault in California. Shallow focus earthquakes are very common at transform boundaries. Plate Tectonic Map (ESRT p.5) Although plate motion is only a few centimeters a year, the interactions of the boundaries result in earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building on a grand scale showing that the Earth is a dynamic system. Explain how mantle convection cells are thought to be the method for moving crustal plates. Mantle Convection Cells Although forces exist within the Earth that are powerful enough to move the lithospheric plates, the scientific community is not in total agreement on the specific mechanism (method) involved. Convection cell- stream of heated material that is moving due to density differences Evidence suggests that convection cells exist within a part of the mantle called the asthenosphere because of the occurrence of heat flow highs in areas of  mountain building and heat flow lows in areas of shallow subsiding basins. These convection cells may be part of the driving force which causes continents to move. What are hot spots? How are they formed? Hot Spots Hot Spots- places on Earth’s surface with unusually high heat flow Most hot spots occur along active plate margins but some are found within the plates. Hot spots are thought to be caused by magma rising up from the mantle producing sites of active volcanism. Wow! That was Dynamic! Prepare for Chapter Test†¦Good Luck!!! * EartHquakes * Sub-topics: * How strong is an earthquake? Do you live near an active fault? Earthquake and tsunami What is inside the earth? * What is an Earthquake? * An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth’s rocky outermost crust. The edges of the tectonic plates are marked by faults (or fractures). Most earthquakes occur along the fault lines when the plates slide past each other or collide against each other. * The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be powerful enough to alter the surface of the Earth, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground and †¢ cause great damage †¦ collapse of buildings and other man-made structures, broken power and gas lines (and the consequent fire), landslides, snow avalanches, tsunamis (giant sea waves) and volcanic eruptions. * How strong is an Earthquake * Earthquakes are measured in two different ways: 1.) Magnitude 2.)Intensity * Earthquake magnitude * Earthquake magnitude is a measure of the energy released by an earthquake, or its â€Å"size†. Because earthquakes vary a lot in size, earthquake magnitude scales are logarithmic. For a one-step increase in magnitude the amount of energy released increases about 32 times. So a magnitude 7 earthquake is 32 times bigger than a magnitude 6 earthquake, and a magnitude 8 earthquake is 1000 bigger. * Earthquake intensity * Earthquake intensity describes how much ground shaking occurred, or how â€Å"strong† an earthquake was, at a particular location. Earthquake waves weaken as they travel away from the earthquake source, so an earthquake generally feels less strong the further away from the source you are. * Earthquake intensity * The intensity of an earthquake is determined by observing the effects of the earthquake in different places. Houses, buildings, and other structures are inspected. People are interviewed about what they saw (the cabinet fell over), how they felt (I was frightened), or what they did (I ran out of the house). * The Modified Mercalli (MM) intensity scale * MM 1Not felt. * MM 2Felt by peeple at rest on upper floors of buildings. * MM 3Felt indoors, like a small truck passing; hanging objects swing slightly. * MM 4Felt indoors by many, like a heavy truck passing; hanging objects swing, windows rattle. * MM 5Felt outdoors, sleepers awakened, small objects and pictures move. * MM 6Felt by all, crockery breaks, furniture moves, weak plaster cracks. * The Modified Mercalli (MM) intensity scale * MM 7Difficult to stand, noticed by car drivers, furniture breaks, weak chimneys break at roof line, plaster, loose bricks and tiles fall. * MM 8Driving is difficult, ordinary masonry is damaged, chimneys and towers fall, some liquefaction. * MM 9General panic, poor masonry destroyed, ordinary masonry and foundations damaged, liquefaction and landslides. * MM 10Most masonry structures destroyed. Some well-built wooden structures and bridges destroyed. Dams and embankments damaged, large landslides. * MM 11Few buildings left standing. * MM 12Damage nearly total. * FAULTS * What is a fault? * A fault is a break in the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust, along which rocks on either side have moved past each other. * The direction of movement along the fault plane determines the fault type. * 3 Major Faults * Normal * Reverse * Strike-slip * Do You Live Near an Active Fault? * An active fault is one that has moved in the past and is expected to move again. Put in another way, an active fault has generated earthquakes before and is capable of causing more in the future. * Scientists use different ways to find out if a fault is active. One is by checking the country’s historical records. Historians always write about destructive events such as earthquakes. * Another is by studying the vibrations, past and present, that come from faults. Still another way is by observing the surroundings. For example, a fault may cross a road and because of that, the road is displaced. * Do You Live Near an Active Fault? * Or a fault may cut across a stream and the stream channel is then shifted. Or a fault may slice through mountains and form cliffs. This is not to say that anyone can spot an active fault. Scientists need a lot of training to do that. * But along some faults, the effects may be dramatic. Suppose a house was built on a fault. As the ground shifts little by little, parts of the house will be affected. The floor will crack, doors will not close, and the roof may start to leak. * Obviously, it is important to know the location of active faults. As far as possible, no important structures should be built near or on them. Tsunami * What is a tsunami? * A tsunami is a series of waves usually caused by an undersea earthquake that displaces the ocean floor. But a tsunami is not really a â€Å"wave† that moves up and down; it’s actually the ocean moving sideways as a massivesurge or a wall of water. It’s also knownas a tidal wave. The Japanese word tsunami means â€Å"harbor wave.†A tsunami can generate waves for 12 to 24 hours. And the first wave is not always Japan, 2011 The Boston Globe the biggest! A tsunami travels across the open ocean at over 500mph, the speed of a jet airplane. As it reaches shallower water and approaches shore, it slows down but grows in height. A tsunami can happen at anytime of day or year. How do earthquakes generate tsunamis? * Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. Tectonic earthquakes are a particular kind of earthquake that are associated with the earth’s crustal deformation; when these earthquakes occur beneath the sea, the water above the deformed area is displaced from its equilibrium position. Waves are formed as the displaced water mass, which acts under the influence of gravity, attempts to regain its equilibrium. When large areas of the sea floor elevate or subside, a tsunami can be created. * What is a Tsunami Earthquake * A tsunami earthquake is an earthquake that triggers a tsunami of a magnitude that is very much larger than the magnitude of the earthquake as measured by shorter-period seismic waves. Such events are a result of relatively slow rupture velocities. They are particularly dangerous as a large tsunami may arrive at a neighbouring coast with little or no warning. a tsunami earthquake is that the release of seismic energy occurs at long periods (low frequencies) relative to typical tsunamigenic earthquakes. Earthquakes of this type do not generally show the peaks of seismic wave activity associated with ordinary events. A tsunami earthquake can be defined as an undersea earthquake. * What is inside the Earth? * Earth’s Layers * CrustThe crust is the first layer of the earth. It is split up into two parts the continental crust, and the oceanic crust. * Mantle The mantle is the second layer of the earth. It is split up into two different parts, the lithosphere (which is the top part) and the asthenosphere (which is the bottom part). * Earth’s Layers * Outer coreThe outer core is a liquid made up of iron and nickel. The depth of the outer core is 2, 890. This is one of thethree layers that is putting pressure on the inner core. * Inner coreThe Inner crust is the second thinnest layer. The inner core is hotter than the surface of the sun. The inner core is made out of iron and nickel. It is 5159 to 6378 km thick. * Earth’s Layers * The Earth is formed of three concentric layers: the core, the mantle and the crust; these are separated by transition zones called discontinuities. * Mohorovicic discontinuity * Gutenberg discontinuity * How the seismic waves travel * The shaking starts from the focus and spreads out. You can get an idea of how this happens by throwing a pebble into a pond. See the ripples that move out in circles? The vibrations from the focus are something like that. * The vibrations are more properly called seismic waves. As seismic waves travel through the body of the Earth, they behave in different ways, depending on what they encounter along way